Smart Communicator

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Smart Communicator for Future ready Railway Stations 

  • Indian Railways are putting their best efforts for the betterment of the better experience in the passenger facilitation 
  • Staff behavior & response on duty is very much important to maintain the passenger facilitation & to monitor this in the railway stations there is a need of personalized team communicator with event logging system 
  • We have developed the smart communicator with voice analytical and response analyzer system which will be easily implemented at the railway stations to monitoring & managing the services for better passenger satisfactions


Smart communicator app for Railway officials

• In/Out time

• Live GPS tracking

• Both way communication

• Easy to communicate

• Send/Receive voice msg

• Can create operations group

• Track real time feedback

• Has features like

• Alert Generation

• Alert Response

Smart wrist for Staff

  • Given to railway staff as well as third party staff for their continues monitoring
  • Can send Alert of if help required using watch 
  • Easy to use, multilingual and user friendly interface


1. It’s a voice analytical system with predictive analysis to give the summarized report to the higher management

2. In depth analysis of the response given by the on duty staff in case of any instruction issued by the senior’s

3. Instruction’s can be generated in a customizable groups or individuals & every receiver has to acknowledge

4. Machine learning model for analysis the response of every instruction’s/alert’s of every member

5. Very simple & easy to operate by the staff & having the option of regional language*